Life is Grand!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Women-You Can't Kill Them And They Can't Pee Standing Up

Is it a woman thing or does everyone eat when they are depressed? I ate way to much yesterday because I was feeling a little down. After I finished feeding my face, I got depressed again about eating way to much food. It's a vicious cycle that no woman should have to go through.

One thing I am happy about is the fact that I only gained two pounds because of the cruise. The food was awesome while on the boat, but I was able to keep the weight down because of all the walking I did. The problem now is that I am eating the same amount as I was on vacation, but I am not working it off as I should. I need to start up my nightly walking again. I would love to lose 10 pounds before the holidays.

Life is so grand.

Blogger A Woman From Illinois said...

Hey Trinity,
I seen where you visited so I thought I would visit you for a while. I enjoyed the visit. Hubby took me out for a steak dinner this evening and I just looked at the homemade pies and felt the weight come on. I do think men also eat when they are down, but not as often and most ARE NOT MAN enough to admit it.

Women can't pee standing up, but many do try it!!

October 26, 2004 8:24 PM

Blogger Trinity13 said...

Hey, thanks for coming over and visiting. I appreciate your comments.

The title from this blog is actualy a quote from a movie. Can anyone out there in blogworld name the movie? You should be able to guru.

October 26, 2004 9:34 PM

Blogger Pete said...

It would be cheating if I answer. I can give a hint, though. It's also where you got your name.

If no one answers by tomorrow night, I will answer the question.

Go Sox!

October 26, 2004 10:16 PM

Blogger G said...

Those Cleveland Indians are at it again! After losing in the ALCS the year before, the Indians are determined to make it into the World Series this time! First, though, they have to contend with Rachel Phelps again when she buys back the team. Also, has Rick "Wild Thing" Vaughn lost his edge? Are Jake's knees strong enough to make it as a catcher another year? These and other questions are answered as the Indians recapture the magic and win the championship "their way".

October 27, 2004 8:36 AM

Blogger Pete said...

I spoke to Trin this morning and she clairified that by title of this blog, she meant the entry and not the blog itself. Of course, I know that it is from Major League 2.

October 27, 2004 10:41 AM

Blogger Pete said...

Oh, G. I thought that you wrote that short synopsis. I was going to congratulate you on its awesomeness. You sly dog, you, grabbing that from IMDB.

October 27, 2004 10:48 AM


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