Life is Grand!!!

Monday, September 13, 2004


I just got an email from my cropping consultant about a scrapbooking party this Friday. I am not sure if I should go. I played hostess to some football fans instead of going to the last party. I just can't seem to get into cropping any more. I did fine when I was working on my mother-in-law's memory book. I came to each party focused on her and I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into each page. I went through a wonderful healing process while working on the book. I am now finished and I had switch my focus on my next book, my son's album. I have to be in a completely different mind set. I can't seem to even finish a page of his book. I am not sure if I should go and waste my time and the time of my consultants. Plus, I have to pay to go and when I don't get anything accomplished, it is a waste of money. I would rather spend that time and money on my son instead of working on a book about him. I know he would appreciate that more. Oh well, life is grand!

Blogger Pete said...

If you can give it the focus, by all means go this Friday. But, you made the right decision about last Saturday. Us hard working sports fans need the TLC that only some potato soup can bring us. Rock, rock on.

September 13, 2004 6:08 PM

Blogger Pete said...

Oh, and BTW, your MIL Scrapbook kicks major boo-tay.

September 13, 2004 6:09 PM


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