Life is Grand!!!

Friday, September 24, 2004

Learning New Things

I love learning about new things. When I worked outside of the home, I constantly wanted to learn about all the ins and outs of my job. My co-worker would teach me things about the job that I really didn't need to know at the time. Learning new things gave me a better understanding of my job and it was nice showing people that I already knew how to do something.

Since I am a stay at home mother now, there is not a lot of new experiences with my boys. I have babysat since I was 10 so there is nothing new that comes my way and I tend to get bored easily. This is why I like having something new to tackle and learn. Take crocheting for instance. I went over to my grandma-in-law's home today so that she could teach me. Why would I want to learn crocheting of all things? Just so I can say that I know how and to be able to prove it. I have a long list of things that I have always wanted to learn and crocheting was on it.

Here is a short version of things that I would like to learn about or master sometime in my life:

1. Water skiing
2. Chess
3. Speed reading
4. Car repair/maintenance
5. Computer programming
6. Driving a standard
7. Drum playing
8. Cart-wheels
9. Spelling correctly
10. And sign language to name a few

There is well over 100 things in my list, but if I am not able to accomplish them all, life will still be grand!


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