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Thursday, October 07, 2004

Another Dr Phil Interview

Dr. Phil and his wife Robin interviewed the Kerrys yesterday. I learned a lot about their background, how they met, and about their blended family.

Here's the thing. If Senator Kerry couldn't even keep his marriage commitment, how is he going to be able to keep his promises if he is elected President? You can't tell me the two can not be compared. He made a promise to his first wife to love and cherish her the rest of his life. He also has promises he wants to fulfill if he is President. His promise to his first wife was broken, so what reason do we have that he won't do the same once in office? That being said, I still wouldn't vote for him even if he wasn't divorced because he is a flip-flopping junkie whore of a democrat!

Whew, I feel better getting that off my chest.

After watching both the Bush and the Kerry interview the Dr. P, I am not sure who the doc is voting for. Phil is from the great state of Texas and he has conservative views, but he could still cast his vote to Kerry. I'm not sure which way he will go with this one. Anybody out there sure?


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