Friday, December 31, 2004
My Crazy Sis
Recently, my sister has given me a few new reasons to worry about her. She has been asking some questions to which she should already know the answers. We grew up in a Christian home and went to church three times a week, but it seems like she doesn't really know about her faith.
Here is the background. A week ago, my sis was walking through Walmart when some guy walked past her and complimented her. He told her that she looked hot. She questioned him because although she is very outgoing, she doesn't think that she is attractive. I think she is with her cute haircut and her big beautiful lips. Anyway, she questioned him which started an entire conversation and they ended up trading numbers.
After a few days of talking about how he just broke up with his live in girlfriend of 8 years, his 2 year old, and his smoking habit, my sis decided to give him her address so that he could pick her up for a date. Btw, my 21 year old virgin sis lives alone.
If that were not bad enough, then you add her questions. She asked both my mom and myself if we would be okay with her eloping. Eloping!!! She was worried about the family approving a mixed race marriage.
She also asked my mom why she and my dad didn't approve of sex before marriage. They told her that it was not their rule, but God's rule from the Bible. She then asked my mom if she would love a child conceived out of wedlock. Who is this girl? What happened to my sister? I know she is naive to the ways of the world, but come on girl!
She told both my mom and I that she didn't think that this was the guy for her, but then the next day she kissed him. I know this doesn't seem like a big deal, but this was her first kiss!
I know she is desperate for a man, any man. She has wanted to get married and have kids for years now. She sees me with my 6 year marriage and my 2 year old and she wants that. She is willing to compromise her beliefs that have this. I am so scared for her.
Tomorrow I am having both her and her new guy over for lunch. I really want to meet the daddy of my sister's future baby. I hope this won't be true, but right now, I really don't know. Please pray that my hubby and I will have the right words to say to this loser... I mean this guy.
Life is grand with a crazy sister!
Trinity13 said...
Like I said, she is desperate to get married. I told her to take advantage of her single life, to not be so quick to get married. She doesn't understand.
Like I said, she is desperate to get married. I told her to take advantage of her single life, to not be so quick to get married. She doesn't understand.
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Another Weight Loss Tip
Dr P. explains in his book that if you want to successfully loss weight, you need to eat 5 times a day. That's right, I said 5! Have your three meals and then add in two snacks. The doc says to eat every three to four hours to keep down the food cravings.
I personally had to take it a step further while I was trying to lose weight. I had to chew gum between meals. I probably wouldn't like food so much if I wasn't able to chew it. I just love working my jaw, so I have to chew gum along with eating two snacks to keep the cravings down.
Life is grand with 5 meals a day!
Post Stealing
Stolen from Busty Wilde. Thanks!
Least Popular Baby Names for 2004 Revealed
Donald Duck
Parsnip Chops
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Dr. Phil's Seven Keys
Below are the doc's 7 keys to weight loss. I have included what each key means to me.
Key 1: Right Thinking- If you think you will fail, you will. Think positively instead.
Key 2: Healing Feelings- Find out why you eat emotionally and solve it. Replace emotional eating with something else.
Key 3: A No-Fail Environment-Throw away the junk food in your house. If it is not there, you can't eat it.
Key 4: Mastery Over Food and Impulse Eating- There is a reason why people over eat, they get some sort of pleasure out of it. Find something else positive to replace this empty pleasure.
Key 5: High-Response Cost, High-Yield Nutrition- Choose the right foods to lose weight.
Key 6: Intentional Exercise- Get off your butt and work that fat off!
Key 7: Your Circle of Support- That would be who ever is reading this.
More tips to come tomorrow.
G said...
Thank you for the inspirational information. Looking forward to reading more.
Thank you for the inspirational information. Looking forward to reading more.
Nude Utah
I have recently been blog hopping and I found a funny new blog. This person actually made up a word for blog hopping-Urf
Taken directly from their blog: Urf (verb): to scan the internet looking for blogs to read. The basic form of "urf" is extendable to "urfed" (past tense), and urfing. Pronounced like "Surf" without the "s" sound.
They also made up another word:
Ead (verb): to read or otherwise experience a blog. As with urf, can be extended to eading. Pronounced like "read" without the "r" sound.
It is my new favorite read. Stop by and say hi to Nude Utah.
G said...
You're right! That is a great blog. I laughed my butt off at some of the stuff on there. I'm definitely going back. Thanks for that.
You're right! That is a great blog. I laughed my butt off at some of the stuff on there. I'm definitely going back. Thanks for that.
I know, I haven't really posted anything in a few days. I am on vacation, do ya blame me?
I have been enjoying the time spent with my son. He is so much fun! I love running around the house together. He is just so much more pleasant when the other boys are not around.
The poor kid ended up getting a rash on his neck and arms. I think it is because of the new clothing he got for C-mas. I guess I need to wash the stuff twice before I let him wear it just to be safe. The rash should clear up in a few days.
I had so many things that I wanted to do this week. I wanted to organize all my kitchen cupboards along with my bedroom. If I don't know what to do with something, it goes into the bedroom where no one can see it. I wanted to clean it up, but since I am on vacation, I don't want to do a thing. It seems like the perfect time to have a winter cleaning, but I want to enjoy myself this week. I want to just relax and enjoy the time with my son. Is that so wrong? I think not.
Life is grand when you're on vacation!
loelsh said...
I say, sit back, relax and enjoy your time off. Your son will only be little once and there will always be cleaning to do. So enjoy him now and clean later.
I say, sit back, relax and enjoy your time off. Your son will only be little once and there will always be cleaning to do. So enjoy him now and clean later.
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Trinity13 said...
Well thanks Drifter for telling all(major sarcasm)! I like not knowing what is going to happen on my tv shows. I see how it is.
And, they had better not take away the Mackster! I love Chloe.
Well thanks Drifter for telling all(major sarcasm)! I like not knowing what is going to happen on my tv shows. I see how it is.
And, they had better not take away the Mackster! I love Chloe.
Short, Sweet, To The Point
I just changed the questions for Trin's Trivia. I have on there some of my favorite tv shows like King of Queens and Family Guy. Let me know if it is too hard or if you want me to include one of your favorites.
Thanks and enjoy the game!
Monday, December 27, 2004
Yes, I am done with Christmas get togethers! Tonight was the last one and I didn't even get anything. Since the grandparents refused to come to my sister's house, my hubby and I didn't receive any presents. I am not complaining though since my son got a gift card to Toys R Us from his cousins.
The season is finally over and I am glad that everyone was appreciative of the gifts that G and I gave them. My FIL even said thank you with no complaints! Talk about a shocker.
Do I have to celebrate next year?
Losing Weight
As I mentioned on Guru's blog, my hubby and I have decided to lose weight together starting on January 2nd. I want to pig out on the first of Jan, so we are starting at the beginning of next week.
I started on a weight lose program the beginning of this year and I lost a total of 52 pounds. I lost most of it using the advice in Dr Phil's weight loss book. I was doing really well, until I started blogging. I used the time that I usually spent walking 3 miles to blog. That is when my weight plateaued. Then I went on a cruise and gained a few pounds. Right after the cruise, the holidays rolled around. So, now it is time to again begin to finish losing the last couple of pounds.
My hubby needs to lose around 80-100 pounds. I am not sure what he has decided upon. He is at risk for diabetes because he is over weight and it runs in the family. He mom had diabetes and his dad and grandpa both have it. He is going to lose the weight for health purposes.
If we do this together, it will be a lot easier for both of us to stick to it. I will keep this blog updated on our progress. If anyone would like to join us, that would be wonderful! We can see who loses the fastest and who loses the most. It would be fun! Leave a comment if you want to join the challenge.
Trinity13 said...
Drifter, are you willing to post your weight online for all to see? I am willing if you are. We need to see how much our weight is going down each week.
I think I also might post what I have eatten each day for accountiblity purposes. What do ya think?
Trinity13 said...
Hey, thanks for the nice comments! I know he can do it if I keep him motivated.
loelsh said...
Yes, I was already planning on starting a weight loss regimin after the first of the year. (although I was thinking I'd start Jan 3rd since the 2nd is a Sunday,and weekends are a difficult time for me to start). Count me in. I don't know about posting my weight, though I will post my weight loss. Maybe after I'm down a bit, I'll post what I started at. I haven't weighed myself in quite a while, because I'm scared of what the scale will say. I know I've been gaining weight though, cause none of my clothes fit and I refuse to buy a bigger size! I wanted to start losing weight 8 months ago after I had Luke, I was already down about 15 lbs, but I know I've gained that all back. Time to get serious because I too fear the diabetes. Let's get guru convinced to do it too and my dad. We can do it as a team and keep each other motivated. That is what I need, encouragement. I cannot stick to it if I'm doing it alone. Lets go, lets go,(clap clap) weight loss lets go!
Trinity13 said...
Hey Drift, it's cool with me if you only want to post your weight once a month. On the other hand, I will have a weekly post with my weight loss. If you would like to include your loss in a comment, be my guest. If I don't weigh in once a week, I tend to lose my motivation. While on Dr P's program, I lost 1-4 pounds a week, so I can't help but get the scale out to see my progress. But please Drifter, do what ever you need to do to help yourself out. If that means only posting your loss once a month, by all means go for it.
Lo, good idea on waiting till Monday, after the weekend. Sounds great to me. Btw, thanks for the cheer!
A Woman From Illinois said...
Hey Trinity,
Drifter is right about the weigh in; it should not be too often. Too often will discourage more then encourage. But once a week, should be ok for most. I have diabetes and struggle with it daily. I take 4 to 5 shots a day. My husband has diabetes and heart disease. He is 47 and has had 2 heart attacks. Right now I am in a diabetes study with a new insulin it was approved April of this year. it has worked wonders for me. I have to write down everything that passes these lips of mine. We eat more then we think we do. Especially the carbs, and now they think the carbs leads to heart disease more then the fat and cholesterol does.
Diabetes is super hereditary, our youngest daughter feels doomed because we both have it. It is 99.99% given that she will develop it. She will be 22 in Feb and is over weight, I try to talk to her, but what 22 yr old listens about their health. Several to most of my ancestors had diabetes. My dad was just diagnosed this year. He has always been small and active. Weight is a lot like smoking, just because you are heavy doesn't mean you will get it, but your chances are 40 fold that you will. It is not fun.
Sorry for such a long post.
Can someone long distance join your weight loss team??
Trinity13 said...
Sure! The more, the merrier!
You rock! 52 pounds and counting! You go girl.
Good idea starting on 1/2. Tell hubby to chase around your kid, he'll lose the weight in no time!
Thanks for your post on my blog. Sad part is, all the stories are true.
Drifter, are you willing to post your weight online for all to see? I am willing if you are. We need to see how much our weight is going down each week.
I think I also might post what I have eatten each day for accountiblity purposes. What do ya think?
Hey, thanks for the nice comments! I know he can do it if I keep him motivated.
Yes, I was already planning on starting a weight loss regimin after the first of the year. (although I was thinking I'd start Jan 3rd since the 2nd is a Sunday,and weekends are a difficult time for me to start). Count me in. I don't know about posting my weight, though I will post my weight loss. Maybe after I'm down a bit, I'll post what I started at. I haven't weighed myself in quite a while, because I'm scared of what the scale will say. I know I've been gaining weight though, cause none of my clothes fit and I refuse to buy a bigger size! I wanted to start losing weight 8 months ago after I had Luke, I was already down about 15 lbs, but I know I've gained that all back. Time to get serious because I too fear the diabetes. Let's get guru convinced to do it too and my dad. We can do it as a team and keep each other motivated. That is what I need, encouragement. I cannot stick to it if I'm doing it alone. Lets go, lets go,(clap clap) weight loss lets go!
Hey Drift, it's cool with me if you only want to post your weight once a month. On the other hand, I will have a weekly post with my weight loss. If you would like to include your loss in a comment, be my guest. If I don't weigh in once a week, I tend to lose my motivation. While on Dr P's program, I lost 1-4 pounds a week, so I can't help but get the scale out to see my progress. But please Drifter, do what ever you need to do to help yourself out. If that means only posting your loss once a month, by all means go for it.
Lo, good idea on waiting till Monday, after the weekend. Sounds great to me. Btw, thanks for the cheer!
Hey Trinity,
Drifter is right about the weigh in; it should not be too often. Too often will discourage more then encourage. But once a week, should be ok for most. I have diabetes and struggle with it daily. I take 4 to 5 shots a day. My husband has diabetes and heart disease. He is 47 and has had 2 heart attacks. Right now I am in a diabetes study with a new insulin it was approved April of this year. it has worked wonders for me. I have to write down everything that passes these lips of mine. We eat more then we think we do. Especially the carbs, and now they think the carbs leads to heart disease more then the fat and cholesterol does.
Diabetes is super hereditary, our youngest daughter feels doomed because we both have it. It is 99.99% given that she will develop it. She will be 22 in Feb and is over weight, I try to talk to her, but what 22 yr old listens about their health. Several to most of my ancestors had diabetes. My dad was just diagnosed this year. He has always been small and active. Weight is a lot like smoking, just because you are heavy doesn't mean you will get it, but your chances are 40 fold that you will. It is not fun.
Sorry for such a long post.
Can someone long distance join your weight loss team??
Sure! The more, the merrier!
You rock! 52 pounds and counting! You go girl.
Good idea starting on 1/2. Tell hubby to chase around your kid, he'll lose the weight in no time!
Thanks for your post on my blog. Sad part is, all the stories are true.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
A Lazy Post
I know that Guru has recently posted a Star War quiz on his blog, but I just had to share this one. It is alot more detailed and it gives you several characters that you are similar to.
Click to see my Star Wars Personality!!
Here is one more quiz. Enjoy!

You are Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen);
intellectually stimulating, romantic, and
sardonic. You are a brilliant love story about
how two people go through a complete change of
feelings, and about how society of the early
1800s was quite hilarious. I'm glad they found
love, because they used to hate each other. Go
say something sarcastic.
Which Book are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Pete said...
For the book, I am Lord of the Rings
You are the Lord of the Rings (J. R. R. Tolkien); you are intricate, mystical, epic and ethereal. You are the classic hero. And the wonderful final triumph of good. You are old fashioned and almost infuriatingly slow at times, but keep the language creation coming. Through you we've all learned the importance of being Gollum.
Star Wars:
My Star Wars
Click Here
For the book, I am Lord of the Rings
You are the Lord of the Rings (J. R. R. Tolkien); you are intricate, mystical, epic and ethereal. You are the classic hero. And the wonderful final triumph of good. You are old fashioned and almost infuriatingly slow at times, but keep the language creation coming. Through you we've all learned the importance of being Gollum.
Star Wars:
My Star Wars
Click Here
Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful C-mas. Mine was not so bad this year. I got everything I wanted and more. What made the day stressful was having 4 celebrations in one day. It was very tiring, but after 6 years, you tend to get used to it.
The family received over $150 in gift certs and cash. That's always the best present to get. Don't get me wrong, I got some wonderful gifts that were not in money form, but cash is still my favorite.
My hubby did really well this year with the things he bought for me. He got me something that I have asked for/wanted for years. It finally came out this C-mas. It was the Matrix dvd collection that includes 10 dvds and a small book. I love it! He also got me Ferris Bueller's Day Off(on dvd), coffee scented candles(my fav), and a beautiful candle holder.
My son did really well too. He loved the Little Tykes bike that we got him. He got some great, much needed clothing from everyone. He got a Leapad from us, Dora toys from my mom, and a cute George Foreman playdoh grill from Uncle Guru and Aunt Loelsh.
We had a C-mas tonight and one more tomorrow. Thank the Lord we are almost done! I am so glad that I am off this coming week(I only have my son and no other littles). I need to catch up on some sleep!
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Here are a few jokes just for Drifter. Enjoy!
Why doesn't Santa have any children?
Because he only comes once a year, and when he does, it's down the chimney.
What's the difference between snowmen and snowladies?
What do the female reindeer do when Santa takes the male reindeer out on Christmas Eve?
They go into town, and blow a few bucks.
Why did the snowman have a smile on his face?
Because the snowblower was coming down the block.
G said...
Hilarious stuff!!
Hilarious stuff!!
Merry Christmas!
Well, the big day is finally here! Woo...hoo. Enjoy the funnies.

Ten signs Santa has marriage problems
1. He's replaced all the elves with scantily clad Swedish exchange students
2. Mrs. Claus calls him "that fat freak in the red underwear"
3. He traded in his sleigh for a van with a waterbed
4. He's been spending a little too much time with the life-sized Holiday Barbie
5. His new live-in personal elf valet, Steve
6. Mrs. Claus having cybersex relationship with accountant from New Jersey
7. He knows when she's been sleeping, he knows when she's awake, because he's bugged the bedroom
8. Lately, she keeps "forgetting" to tie her robe when she brings the elves their morning coffee
9. Stockings aren't the only things he's been nailing in front of the fireplace
10. Not a creature is stirring in Santa's pants

Ten signs you've got a bad christmas tree
1. Two feet tall, forty feet wide
2. Salesman's opening line: "You're not a cop, are you?"
3. It looks suspiciously like a broom handle with a lot of coat hangers
4. While you sleep, it gets liquored up and takes the family caravan for a joy ride.
5. Each branch has "Duraflame" printed on it.
6. Keeps heckling your lame top ten list
7. It's very small and says "air freshener" on it.
8. Rabbis have better Christmas trees than yours.
9. Some guy named Mujibur puts a crappy Statue of Liberty on top of it
10. Constantly bragging about its "trunk size"
Friday, December 24, 2004
I don't know what is wrong with me the past few years. I really don't look forward to Christmas. I used to love this holiday when I was growing up, but not now. Today I have the stress of buying the perfect gift for people along with perfecting my happy on the outside, disappointed on the inside face for when opening gifts. Know what I mean?
I am just not excited anymore. I guess it comes with being an adult. As a child, you didn't have to worry about anyone but yourself. You were free to open your toys without caring whether your family likes the presents your parents bought them.
I know it is terrible to think this, but I am looking forward to when I will only have to worry about three Christmas celebrations. This will only happen when we are not able to celebrate with the grandparents anymore and in turn, will not have to buy for them, aunts, uncles, or cousins. I know, it is crazy for me think that my holiday would be less stressful after a few deaths in the family. Just go ahead a commit me, I'm that crazy/selfish.
Wow, today has been a very busy day as you can tell since this is my first post. I found out I was not watching the red head, but that him and his mom were going to stop by and have a little gift exchange with my son and I. While giving my boy a bath, she shows up. I quickly dry and dress my son as I talk to my g-ma who has just called. I hang up with her and finish up the boy so that he can open his gift from the red head. My son got a wonderful Dora toy that has flashing lights and loud talking in not only English, but Spanish. Oh course, he loves it! The red head also loves his new really cool Bob the Builder toy. I got a nice gift from his mother and in return I gave her a necklace charm.
After staying for over an hour, my company leaves and I get to leave the house to get some much needed errands accomplished. I really needed to get to a Best Buy, but all the locations around me didn't have power. What a bummer!
After Best Buy, my son and I went to the Dollar Store to get more gift bags. I ran out of bags last night and the store has the best prices. Get this, the bags were only a dollar! Imagine that, a dollar store selling things for a dollar! Wow, what a concept.
Anyway, after that we went to my mom's house to drop off her hairdresser gift and to pick up the cookies I helped her make. I have got to say that the peanut butter fudge tastes fantastic! My hubbies side of the family gets to try some tomorrow at our C-mas dinner. I hope it will be liked.
Then my son and I spent 40 min on a stretch of road that usually takes 5 min, after leaving grammies. He ended up falling asleep, so we went home instead of finishing up our tasks. I sent my hubby out for one more errand while I unloaded the my car.
This has been the only time today to get my blog on. If feels great to have everything done!
Holidays are grand! (Major sarcasm!)
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Okay, I stole something from Cate again. This should be fun.
A) First, recommend to me:
1. a movie.
2. a book.
3. a musical artist, song, or album.
B) Ask me three questions. Ask me anything you want.
C) Go to your blog (if you have one), copy and paste this, and allow everyone to ask you anything.
Also, here is a cool site. You type in two opposite words and it will find out how many sites mention each name. It will tell you the number of sites and the winner of the two.
For example, I put in Trinity and Neo. Trinity is mentioned 15, 700, 000 times while Neo is only mentioned 5, 720, 000 times. Go ahead and try it and let me know your results.
Trinity13 said...
1. The indoor whirlpool of a Holiday Inn while I was 8 months prego.
2. Nowadays, not a lot.
3. I haven't used a lot of foods and never during the actual deed, just in foreplay.
Does a Pringles can count as food?
1. The indoor whirlpool of a Holiday Inn while I was 8 months prego.
2. Nowadays, not a lot.
3. I haven't used a lot of foods and never during the actual deed, just in foreplay.
Does a Pringles can count as food?
My hubby and I used my $50 Outback gc yesterday. We ate like royalty! I actually ordered a drink(an iced tea) and an appetizer- the cheese fries. G got a $19 steak while I got the pork chops. I ended up bringing home one of the chops and my entire baked potato along with a few slices of bread(chocolate bread). We also had a very yummy dessert- a sunday. It was a scoop of vanilla ice cream covered in fried cocoanut on top of hot chocolate sauce. It also had whipped cream and strawberries on it. It was really good! We ended up using the entire gc which is a good thing. I don't want to hang onto a gift card that only has $5 on it.
After dinner we went to the cheapo theater(that I used to work at) to see Ladder 49. It was a decent movie, but it had too many slow spots in it.

Today I am planning on buying the honey baked hams. I hope I don't stand in line too long because I need to get to my mom's house to start baking cookies. A few of us ladies are getting together to make about 6 different types of treats. My mom makes the 7 layer bars and the fudge. I make the peanut butter blossoms and the no-bakes. My mom's friend does the chocolate crinkles. My sis makes up the white and regular chocolate covered pretzels. If we have time, we will be making a few more kinds like snickerdoodles and mint choc chip cookies. I hope everything goes well. It should figuring that my sis doesn't try to help cook/bake. God love her, but she doesn't follow directions very well. That is why she has the pretzel job. Who can screw up melting chocolate?
Have a wonderful day all!
License Plate
Thank you Guru for sharing your secret site to create you own plate. Here is a pic of the one I made using the year I was born-1980.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Harry Potter News!
Sorry, I know this is my fourth post for the day, but I just had to share the wonderful news. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be out next year! JK Rowling has finally finished her book(just last night) and it was announced today that the book will be out the 16th of July! This will be a perfect late b-day present for Guru! I am so excited!!!! Yeah baby!
Oh, here is something I stole from Cate. It's a virtual snow globe. Very cool, check it out!
Pete said...
I am so excited. I also believe that the next movie will be out in late 2005, so 2K5 will be the year of the Potter.
The book's date was just announced and already it is a best seller. See this link:
I am so excited. I also believe that the next movie will be out in late 2005, so 2K5 will be the year of the Potter.
The book's date was just announced and already it is a best seller. See this link:
My Weather
I just added something new to the right, under my mood. That's right, I said "I". Anyway, tell me what ya think. Do I have too much over there? Is it not cute or is it unnecessary or stupid? Please let me know. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
Pete said...
Good job. I like it. Not too crowded.
Your weather pixie is kind of cute. When it gets warmer, will she be wearing less clothes? Just wondering.
Trinity13 said...
Oh yes, she wears less clothing. When it gets really hot, she gets down to a bikini. As a matter of fact, because of the warmer weather last night, she was wearing a little t-shirt that showed her belly button.
And yes, she is kind of cute, just like me! Heehee! I picked her because of the red hair. Also like me!
G said...
It's very cute! Congratulations on doing it yourself.
Good job. I like it. Not too crowded.
Your weather pixie is kind of cute. When it gets warmer, will she be wearing less clothes? Just wondering.
Oh yes, she wears less clothing. When it gets really hot, she gets down to a bikini. As a matter of fact, because of the warmer weather last night, she was wearing a little t-shirt that showed her belly button.
And yes, she is kind of cute, just like me! Heehee! I picked her because of the red hair. Also like me!
It's very cute! Congratulations on doing it yourself.
Christmas Quizzes
You Are "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" |
![]() Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer Had a very shiny nose. And if you ever saw him, You would even say it glows. For you, Christmas is a mix of tradition and fun. You're not above strapping on a red blinking nose for a laugh. |
You Are Socks! |
![]() Cozy and warm... but easily lost. You make a good puppet. |
Your Christmas is Most Like: How the Grinch Stole Christmas |
![]() You can't really get into the Christmas spirit... But it usually gets to you by the end of the holiday. |
Pete said...
My movie is the Grinch. You can't really get into the Christmas spirit... But it usually gets to you by the end of the holiday.
My crappy gift is Fruitcake : You taste like nothing else in this world. And get ready, you're about to get tossed!
My carol is Rudolph : For you, Christmas is a mix of tradition and fun. You're not above strapping on a red blinking nose for a laugh.
G said...
My movie is the Grinch. You can't really get into the Christmas spirit... But it usually gets to you by the end of the holiday.
My crappy gift is Fruitcake : You taste like nothing else in this world. And get ready, you're about to get tossed!
My carol is Rudolph : For you, Christmas is a mix of tradition and fun. You're not above strapping on a red blinking nose for a laugh.
Good Times At Walmart
Okay, I went to Walmart yesterday evening to get a few last minute items. The store was very crowded and the lines were long. I had a dozen items, so I got into the self checkout line. Everything was going okay until a lady with her two kids gets in line behind me. I think her kids either have ADD or she doesn't know how to control them. Her son was into everything. He was in front of me looking at the candy and then he was next to me, constantly dumping into me. This made me keep a hand on my purse. I don't think an eight year old would rob me, but I didn't want to risk it.
The boy then proceeded to jump on the end of my cart and look through my groceries. He was doing all this without his mom saying a thing! I wanted to say something, but she let me leave my cart for a sec for me to get batteries. I couldn't yell at her since she did me a "favor".
If her son wasn't bad enough, her daughter was just rude! I stepped up to the self check station and started scanning my things. As I was getting something out of the cart, the girl starts scanning some lip gloss that she wanted. I was like damn girl!!!!
This is when the mom finally said something. She said, "Honey, please get away from the lady. You don't scan things when it's not your turn. When it's mommy's turn, you can scan." At this point I am more mad at the mom than I am at the disrespectful kids. She should have said something, anything, to them before I had to give her the look.
Lines are grand!
loelsh said...
OOOOOOOOOh, nooooo! I would have said something! That's right, me, who usually is totally against people disciplining other people's kids when their parents are around, would of had to say something about that. It would have been nice, of course, unless they didn't listen the first time, then I might have gotten a bit mean. Rotten little brats!
G said...
There's no way I could have kept my cool in that situation. I'm pretty sure I would have said something to the lady, and I'm positive it wouldn't have been nice.
OOOOOOOOOh, nooooo! I would have said something! That's right, me, who usually is totally against people disciplining other people's kids when their parents are around, would of had to say something about that. It would have been nice, of course, unless they didn't listen the first time, then I might have gotten a bit mean. Rotten little brats!
There's no way I could have kept my cool in that situation. I'm pretty sure I would have said something to the lady, and I'm positive it wouldn't have been nice.
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
Grandma's, Part 4
My g-ma called me back today to tell me that she will not be attending C-mas at my sister's house. I was told that if I wanted to share the holiday with her, that I would need to come to her home. She also said that she was too stubborn to give in now.
I don't know what her problem is. She would rather spend C-mas without her family then spend it at my sister's house. If we don't go to her house, I was told that I would still need to come over(to her house) to get and drop off presents. Okay, one of the reasons why we are not going her way is because we don't want to drive 40 min. Most of the family is on this side of town, so she should come our way. But, that will never happen.
Oh, get this, she also gave a heavy guilt trip. She mentioned that this might be my g-pa's last C-mas because of his so called failing health. We need to come her way to spend this holiday with him. Can you believe her?
Grandma's, gotta love them!
Trinity13 said...
Another update- Here is the email my dad sent to my g-ma this evening:
Please come to ____'s(my sis) for Christmas with us on Monday at 630 pm. I would ask to have the Family together at a central location. ____(Sis) would love for you to see her place. She has done great on her own and has a comfortable apartment. I'm proud of my daughter and would like very much, for you to see her home.
I LOVE YOU. Please come. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Your son
Another update- Here is the email my dad sent to my g-ma this evening:
Please come to ____'s(my sis) for Christmas with us on Monday at 630 pm. I would ask to have the Family together at a central location. ____(Sis) would love for you to see her place. She has done great on her own and has a comfortable apartment. I'm proud of my daughter and would like very much, for you to see her home.
I LOVE YOU. Please come. I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Your son
Grandma's, Gotta Love Them, Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
I decided to volunteer to call grandma to see what was going on with C-mas. Since I am the oldest grandchild and I am also somewhat removed from past hurtful situations, I felt as though she would listen to me.
Well she listened to me, but she didn't like what I had to say. She went on and on with her famous guilt trips. In the end, nothing was settled and I still am not sure what is going on.
Here is some of the convo after polite greetings:
Me: Well g-ma I called to tell you that my sis still wants C-mas at her house. So does my family and my aunt's family. I hope this is okay with you.
G-ma: Well, your sis said that I could have C-mas at my home.
Me: Actually g-ma, my sis has wanted it all along. She never agreed to you having it. She is also preparing her home to have the family and she is very excited.
G-ma: She doesn't have room in her home for all of us. At my home, we have enough room to have the family. Also, if we need to get away from each other, I have the room for people to separate and get away from each other.
Me: I'm sorry g-ma, but the family still wants it at my sister's house. She has a small home, but she has plenty of room for all of us.
G-ma: Well that's too bad, it's my turn for C-mas and I am having it at my house. I have the room, it will be over here!
This is when I get to flustered to continue talking. She is not giving this up! I tell her that I will get back with her after I talk to the family. I can tell that she is on the verge of tears right before I hang up. I then immediately call up my folks and tell them about the convo.
My dad offers some words of wisdom and says that we need to call her back. He says that he is willing to make the call, but I feel like I need to see this through. My dad is also in enough trouble with her as it is, he doesn't need to make things worse for himself. When we finish talking, I call g-ma back. My grandpa answers saying that g-ma can't come to the phone since they have company over. I am not sure that I believe him. Sound fishy to you blogworld?
I am not sure what to do next. My family is going to my sister's either way. I love my g-ma, but I just want to give her a piece of my mind. It's so hard for me to speak to her or anyone who intimidates me.
I need to call her back today. I don't know if she will talk to me. Maybe I can just send her an email telling her exactly what will be happening. If she shows up at my sister's, great! If not, I am not going to worry about it.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Today I got a wonderful surprise from the one year olds mom. She and her hubby gave me a gift cert for C-mas. First off, I wasn't expecting anything from them. I bought their son a few gifts for the holiday, but I didn't want anything in return.
Second, the gift cert was for Outback Steakhouse. I love this restaurant, but I am not able to go very often because they are expensive. My favorite food of theirs is The Outbacker. It's a huge hamburger on a grilled bun! It is so good, but I also like their cheese fries with bacon. Yumness!
Third, the gift certificate is for $50!!! That's right, I typed $50! I couldn't believe my eyes! It was so nice of them, but I feel like I don't deserve the great gift. Sure, I watch their son three days a week, but that is what they pay me for. I guess the gc is my C-mas bonus? I don't know, but I am very thankful.
Life is grand with bonuses!
Slow Day
Well, not much going on here. The one year olds mommy has a two hour school delay(she is a teacher) because of the cold weather here in Ohio. I get to actually relax this morning and not take a rushed 10 minute shower.

Don't get me wrong, I can wash up in 10 min, but I love loooong showers. Usually 20 min is long enough to get everything accomplished and to allow for standing time. There is nothing like standing in a shower and just letting the hot water hit your body- no washing or rising, just standing. It is so relaxing.
Plus, women have to shave in the shower. We should be allowed extra time since we have to take care of this in our shower time. Men shave either before or after their showers not during. In other words, women should automatically receive an extra 5 min of shower time if men want us to look/feel our best.
Moving on, I am just about finished with the C-mas shopping and wrapping. I went out last night and got one or two more things for the grandparents and my hairdresser(my mom). I also found a few more gifts for my son and if we don't give them to him this holiday, his b-day is in two months. I have enough for him that I am done shopping for his birthday. I love being ahead of myself.
Life is grand people!
Pete said...
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Pete said...
Lo makes so much fun of me for liking to just stand under the hot water. I can take a fast shower if I want, but I love to just stand under the hot water and let my mind wander (not my hands!) and think about things.
BTW, I know some men who shave in the shower. We are supposed to shave right after a shower, so in the shower accomplishes the same thing and the stubble gets auto rinsed down the drain.
I am all for women taking as much time as they need to get ready and I appreciate the effort. There is one stipulation, though. Don't make us late! That's when I get impatient, as do most men.
Trinity13 said...
I also hate being late. Most of the time it is my hubby who makes us late though. He can never decide what to wear or what to do with his hair.
Pete said...
His hair!?!?!?!???
G said...
I too likey the long shower on occasion. Ya get in there, get everything clean, and then turn up the temp a little and just allow the water to wash your cares away.
I've only known a couple guys who've said they shave in the shower, but it's true, some do. I prefer to use the mirror over the sink method myself.
As for my hair, I shave it over the sink too.
For the record, I do not make us la... brb
G said...
So anyways, as I was saying, I do not make us late. I'm always ready without delay.
Trinity13 said...
You, turn up the temp? From what, 60 to 61?
My water has to be so hot that I come out steaming and flushed. I always steam up the mirrors, but I don't think you ever have G. Have you?
G said...
Oh no. I'm not into the whole massacism thing. I'm not in there to cook myself. Plus you know I don't like anything as hot as you like it. When you take a shower, I expect Yosemite Sam to start chopping up vegetables on you, while you sing... La Da Dyee... La Da Dyah! "Aaaah, What's up Doc?"
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Lo makes so much fun of me for liking to just stand under the hot water. I can take a fast shower if I want, but I love to just stand under the hot water and let my mind wander (not my hands!) and think about things.
BTW, I know some men who shave in the shower. We are supposed to shave right after a shower, so in the shower accomplishes the same thing and the stubble gets auto rinsed down the drain.
I am all for women taking as much time as they need to get ready and I appreciate the effort. There is one stipulation, though. Don't make us late! That's when I get impatient, as do most men.
I also hate being late. Most of the time it is my hubby who makes us late though. He can never decide what to wear or what to do with his hair.
His hair!?!?!?!???
I too likey the long shower on occasion. Ya get in there, get everything clean, and then turn up the temp a little and just allow the water to wash your cares away.
I've only known a couple guys who've said they shave in the shower, but it's true, some do. I prefer to use the mirror over the sink method myself.
As for my hair, I shave it over the sink too.
For the record, I do not make us la... brb
So anyways, as I was saying, I do not make us late. I'm always ready without delay.
You, turn up the temp? From what, 60 to 61?
My water has to be so hot that I come out steaming and flushed. I always steam up the mirrors, but I don't think you ever have G. Have you?
Oh no. I'm not into the whole massacism thing. I'm not in there to cook myself. Plus you know I don't like anything as hot as you like it. When you take a shower, I expect Yosemite Sam to start chopping up vegetables on you, while you sing... La Da Dyee... La Da Dyah! "Aaaah, What's up Doc?"
Sunday, December 19, 2004
I had so much fun last night. I kept the red-head overnight for the first time. His parents have never had a night to themselves at home before and I wanted to give them a special C-mas gift.
I also had my nieces over. They are such a joy and they played really well with the two boys. After playing and making cookies, we watched The Little Mermaid and the kids fell asleep on the couch(along with me).
The girls ended up sleeping in my bed. It was about 1:30 am when they came into my room wanting me to turn on the cartoons for them. I said that it was way to early and that they needed to go back to bed. The youngest was too scared to go back to sleep in my sons room, so she crawled in bed with me. The oldest found out and joined her sister. We ended up kicking out my hubby since he was taking up too much space. Heehee!
Around 8 this morning, all four kids were up so I made cinnamon pancakes. Yummy!!! After getting sticky with syrup, they all got washed up either in the bath or in my shower. Then I got to braid my oldest niece's hair. I love doing this, it's so girly! I can't wait to do up my own daughter's hair some day.
Anyway, here is a pic of the four of them. My hubby had just made them a blanket fort with all the chairs, benches, and blankets around the house. They had so much fun!

Oh, the tree in the background is for Lo. She was wanting other bloggers to show off their decorated C-mas tree. Better late then never Lo! Btw, all the little white men on the tree are doughboys.
Lost And Found
Lost- One diamond earring.
I was taking a shower yesterday morning when I noticed that I was missing an earring and not just any earring(because I wear six at a time) but one of my diamond earrings! I then got on my hands and knees to search the floor of the shower. I did find the earring back, but no earring. I rinsed off, got out, and got my maintenance man hubby. He did everything possible to locate my diamond with no success. He even took his power vac and sucked out the drain, but he found nothing but dirty water.
I was really bummed out by now. I knew that there was nothing I could do to get my jewelry back. I was responsible for it and because I lost it, I felt sick to my stomach. I decided to go out and try to find a cheap replacement.
Found- Two diamond earrings on sale.
I went to Meijer to buy some cheap cz's when I found them- a pair of beautiful earrings that matched my previous pair. I was so happy. I was even happier when I found out the price. They were originally $200, down to $70. Then I had an in store coupon for 10% off. Talk about a good deal, but I had to call the hubby for permission to buy them. I was just going to spend about $15 on a cheap look-a-like, so I needed approval for the higher price. I got the okay and quickly purchased the jewelry before my hubby called back and changed his mind.
Here is a pic of the Christmas present from my hubby:

Saturday, December 18, 2004
Star Wars Rules!
Great outcome, but I die in the end.

:: how jedi are you? ::
Taken from Guru. Thanks for the great quiz!
Anonymous Poet said...
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Friday, December 17, 2004

Well, I just got home from the salon and man are my roots hot! When a women colors her hair red, their roots tend to be a bit brighter than the rest of their hair color, but just for a few days. My eyebrows are also very red. It should be the perfect red color next week when the color relaxes and washes out a little.
Let me know if you think this is silly. I plan on buying spray in green hair coloring and adding a little to my red hair. I was planning on doing the tips, but I also thought about curling all of my hair and doing a few curls in green. I want to do this for a couple C-mas get togethers to be more festive/silly. What do you think blogworld? I would love to know!
G said...
That sounds HOT!
Pete said...
I like the idea of the green, in theory. Go all out for the holidays, it'll be all good. Plus, I'm picturing a host of chicks with weird hair colors that I thought were cute, so it will be all right either way.
Oddly enough, I saw most of the chicks mentioned above in "Hot Topic". (Though one works in my building) Would you have figured? "Hot Topic" having people with weird hair?
Next thing you're gonna tell me is that the people inside are all gonna be wearing black and be pierced and tatted.
Trinity13 said...
I am getting my cousin a gift cert from "Hot Topic". For some reason he likes to wear some sort of dog type collar around his neck. Heehee! Not sure what's up with that, but I guess he can use the gc to buy more if he wants.
That sounds HOT!
I like the idea of the green, in theory. Go all out for the holidays, it'll be all good. Plus, I'm picturing a host of chicks with weird hair colors that I thought were cute, so it will be all right either way.
Oddly enough, I saw most of the chicks mentioned above in "Hot Topic". (Though one works in my building) Would you have figured? "Hot Topic" having people with weird hair?
Next thing you're gonna tell me is that the people inside are all gonna be wearing black and be pierced and tatted.
I am getting my cousin a gift cert from "Hot Topic". For some reason he likes to wear some sort of dog type collar around his neck. Heehee! Not sure what's up with that, but I guess he can use the gc to buy more if he wants.
Kill Bill

Synopsis: "The Bride" was once part of a group of world class female assassins, until the group leader, "Bill" and the other assassins turn against her. Five years later "The Bride" awakens from the coma the assassins left her in and heads out to seek bloody revenge. Unlike conventional movies, Kill Bill is told in chapter format making the narrative flow more like a book than a film. (From imdb)
I watched both volumes of Kill Bill today and it was awesome! I would recommend this movie to anyone who doesn't mind a little violence and gore. Okay, a lot of violence and gore! In the first volume, Uma's character kills or disables about 100 people! It was so sweet with all the blood splashing everywhere and then the color goes to black and white. Believe it or not, it's almost comical seeing all the blood.
The second movie has less fighting because it explains everything. That's not a bad thing because we find out how Daryl Hannah's character loses an eye. Great stuff I tell ya! I also love all the girl fights and a woman as the heroine. Oh, and the ending was perfect. I loved it!
Btw, it was great seeing the volumes back to back. The first one flows right into the second one. I don't think I could have waited several months in between movies if I would have seen them at the theater.

G said...
Now I wish I got to watch them with you. I didn't realize you enjoyed them so much.
Now I wish I got to watch them with you. I didn't realize you enjoyed them so much.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Grandma's, Gotta Love Them, Part 2
Below is the letter sent from my aunt to my crazy grandma in response to the letter sent to the family. If you need a refresher, read this. Anyway, my aunt sent a very pleasant letter, but my grandma will still be upset over it. Oh well, what's a granddaughter to do? G-ma still hasn't responded back yet, so I have no clue what we are doing or even where we are going.
Here is the letter: My understanding is that ___(my sis) really would still like to have Christmas at her home - which really does have plenty of room for everyone. I've been there several times with large parties and had plenty of space to move around. The townhouse is very cute and she has done a nice job with it. I think she deserves a chance to show it off for those who have not seen it before.
I know that you are a gracious hostess, but ___(my sis) was so looking forward to this. I don't want to be a part of hurting her feelings ...and she was hurt over it. I think we need to reconsider this and let ___(my sis) be the avoid any more hard feelings.
Love, ___(my aunt)
Well what do you think? I told my aunt that I completely back her up. If need be, I would call g-ma and tell her that I agree with my aunt. I would love to know how long to wait for a lack of response before I am supposed to call to see what's up. C-mas is next week and this problem needs to be resolved asap!!!
A Woman From Illinois said...
I would at least like to know about a week in advance. So Saturday is a good day to find out something.
G said...
I would call her and TELL her what IS going to happen and say, "Hope to see you there!"
I would at least like to know about a week in advance. So Saturday is a good day to find out something.
I would call her and TELL her what IS going to happen and say, "Hope to see you there!"
I'm Free!
I don't know what I am going to do today. On Thursdays I usually only have my red head, but not today. His dad is sick at home keeping the boy with him. My son will not be dropped off till this afternoon so I have the entire morning to myself.
There are so many things that I want or need to do, but why? I have the day to myself so why would I waste it doing errands when I can relax for once? Just not logical blogworld!
I might watch Kill Bill today. I have both volumes that need to be watched without any littles around. Then I might take a much needed nap. Time will tell.
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

Has anyone else seen the preview for this movie yet? I did and I almost cried. They are ruining a classic by making it crap. I am so serious. I love the old movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory starring Gene Wilder. Why would anyone want to improve on this classic? Tim Burton that's who. He claims that he wants to be truer to the book. Whatever man!
Tim has Johnny Depp playing Wonka. Depp is such a disappointment to the role. Wonka is supposed to be eccentric, but lovable. Depp just looks like a weird drag queen.

G said...
I saw it too. You're right. Looks like CRAP! I don't even care for the original that much, but this new one is gonna suck!
Trinity13 said...
What! You don't care for the original that much??! Are you crazy? I think I have the entire movie memorized and I haven't even seen the movie in months. But to not care for it? I guess you and my sis have one more thing in common. You're both terrible movie critics.
I saw it too. You're right. Looks like CRAP! I don't even care for the original that much, but this new one is gonna suck!
What! You don't care for the original that much??! Are you crazy? I think I have the entire movie memorized and I haven't even seen the movie in months. But to not care for it? I guess you and my sis have one more thing in common. You're both terrible movie critics.
Well the hubby and I finally saw Ocean's Twelve tonight. I have honestly got to say that I was disappointed. The film had too many take a breath scenes. This is where we get to calm down between the quick paced action shots to let our heart beat slow back down to normal.
The heists weren't even that great. Don't get me wrong, they were action packed, but they pale in comparison to the first movie. The first movie had the element of surprise, but you were looking for the surprises in the second movie. But, I will give the movie credit for getting back all the actors from the first one.
Btw, did anyone else notice the credit line: And special appearance of Tess playing Julia Roberts ? Classic, classic.
Oh, one last note. I think Brad Pitt's hair in the movie looks just like Guru's short hair.
Pete said...
Hey, I'm disappointed that you didn't like it, but there is this...
And time that someone can successfully make a comparison between me and the sexiest man alive, I welcome it.
G said...
As with most sequels, the first movie was better. I didn't like the Julia gag, and Could have done without the Bruce Willis cameo. I liked that they got Daddy Warbucks to play La Marque.
Hey, I'm disappointed that you didn't like it, but there is this...
And time that someone can successfully make a comparison between me and the sexiest man alive, I welcome it.
As with most sequels, the first movie was better. I didn't like the Julia gag, and Could have done without the Bruce Willis cameo. I liked that they got Daddy Warbucks to play La Marque.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
G said...
All I can say is...EEEEW!
All I can say is...EEEEW!
Just For Fun

Are you evil? find out at
Make your own visited states map! Like me, you can also select the states that you have only driven through along with the visited. Use this link to start your map.

Pete said...
I am 34% evil. The little admonition is the same as yours.
The funny thing is, though, I still have 16% more evil to do just to be a balanced person!
Pete said...
Oh, I forgot. Here is my map...
loelsh said...
I am also borderline at 38% evil.
I am 34% evil. The little admonition is the same as yours.
The funny thing is, though, I still have 16% more evil to do just to be a balanced person!
Oh, I forgot. Here is my map...
I am also borderline at 38% evil.
Monday, December 13, 2004
Tired Today
I think I stayed up to late last night because I am so tired. It might just be because I did a lot of work around the house today. I did four loads of laundry which includes washing, drying, folding, and putting it all away. Well, at least it made the time pass quickly while watching the three crazy boys.
I also started cleaning up my master bedroom. There is Christmas gifts all over the floor along with wrapping paper and boxes. Also, the pack n play is filled with toys and clothes. My dresser top has more gifts on it plus scissors, tape, gift tags, and other what not for the up and coming holiday. Today I was able to clear some of it away as I wrapped about 15 gifts.
I am almost done shopping, but I have been saying this for weeks. I keep forgetting that I haven't bought gifts for certain people. But seriously, I only have to buy for two more cousins and for the autistic boy I watch. I might get my hubby one more thing also. We'll see.
Life is grand people.
loelsh said...
You're way ahead of me, I haven't even started shopping yet. But it's not because I'm lazy. I love shopping. I just don't have the $ to get presents with.
Trinity13 said...
Why don't you make something for everyone instead of buying something? I know the grandparents would love a homemade gift. Half of their gift from us will be a homemade loaf of bread. You don't have to, but it is just a thought.
You're way ahead of me, I haven't even started shopping yet. But it's not because I'm lazy. I love shopping. I just don't have the $ to get presents with.
Why don't you make something for everyone instead of buying something? I know the grandparents would love a homemade gift. Half of their gift from us will be a homemade loaf of bread. You don't have to, but it is just a thought.
I loved these things growing up. I could always see them. The walls in my bedroom growing up were covered with these types of images. I even did my 7th grade science fair project on stereograms.
I don't know why I thought about this recently. I was just remembering the good old times I had in school and these images came to mind. My dad could never see them. Heehee!
I would love to know if you people in blogworld can see these images. And, it's easier to see them if you take your glasses off(for those of you who where them). Have fun!
The first two have to do with activities in the snow.


This next one is pretty detailed. Can you name the location?

What are the two words at the top of this image?

I will comment on the answer tomorrow morning, but feel free to give your guesses in my comment section.
If you want to check out more stereograms, visit
G said...
Try and try as I might, I have never been able to see these things. They have intrigued me since they became popular though.
Trinity13 said...
Okay, I know this is late (thanks for the heads up Guru), but here are the answers.
1. Slede
2. Woman skiing
3. A movie theater with someone working the box office, three people standing outside, and a car at the curb
4. A stereo scope
Try and try as I might, I have never been able to see these things. They have intrigued me since they became popular though.
Okay, I know this is late (thanks for the heads up Guru), but here are the answers.
1. Slede
2. Woman skiing
3. A movie theater with someone working the box office, three people standing outside, and a car at the curb
4. A stereo scope
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Christmas Trivia
I don't know how many of you noticed, but I changed up my trivia questions. The new theme is all about Christmas songs and movies. Please let me know if the questions are too hard and I will select some different quizzes. Thanks all!
G said...
The questions I got were all quite hard. Somehow I still got seven right. Two that I missed, I was sure I had right.
The questions I got were all quite hard. Somehow I still got seven right. Two that I missed, I was sure I had right.
Egg Nog

I don't like the stress of the holidays, but there is one thing I look forward to all year. Egg nog! I love this stuff. I'm crazy, I know. The drink is only good when you drink small amounts of it though.
I have found a new twist on this yummy drink. All the super markets are now selling egg nog ice cream! Wow, the first time trying this awesome dessert made me feel like I was in heaven. It was soo good!
I only other person I know who even likes the taste of egg nog is Drifter's wife. She and I had some of this flavored ice cream on top of a warm brownie. It's about time I had some one to share this with. Thanks girl!
Pete said...
Guess what? I love the Egg Nog, too. Lo hates it, but I think that it is Yum. My Dad used to by gallons of the stuff around the holidays. I think that the Egg Nog ice cream would be the bizomb!
loelsh said...
I never said I hated it. I used to love it, as did my mom. I just kind of lost the taste for it. I haven't had any in years, so if I see the ice cream I'll get it and try it. I am shocked that guru likes it. If I'd had to guess, I would have guessed he despised it.
A Woman From Illinois said...
The only way I will drink eggnog is with my buddy Jack Daniels.
Guess what? I love the Egg Nog, too. Lo hates it, but I think that it is Yum. My Dad used to by gallons of the stuff around the holidays. I think that the Egg Nog ice cream would be the bizomb!
I never said I hated it. I used to love it, as did my mom. I just kind of lost the taste for it. I haven't had any in years, so if I see the ice cream I'll get it and try it. I am shocked that guru likes it. If I'd had to guess, I would have guessed he despised it.
The only way I will drink eggnog is with my buddy Jack Daniels.
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Fun, Food, Friends
Well, tonight we had dinner with the red-head's parents. His mom fixed baked ziti and it was so very good! Then we had my chocolate peanut butter pie for dessert. Yum!!! After clearing the table, we bundled up and headed to the zoo for their wildlights.
Wildlights- View the Zoo in a new light during Wildlights, a spectacular celebration of winter. Brighten your holiday season with more than two million twinkling lights, ice skating, activities for children, Santa Claus and a variety of festive activities for the family.
It was cold, but it wasn't as cold as it was last year. We got to see a baby elephant and the huge manatees. The red head and my son had a wonderful time together seeing all the beautiful lights and eating pop corn.
The best thing about the trip was the fact that my family got in for free using the zoo membership passes of the red head's parents. They each get a guest in for free along with free parking with their passes. How cool is that! It was a lot of fun hanging out with some good friends, even if I work for them.
Grandma's, Gotta Love Them!
Okay, my dad's mom is crazy. She loves to guilt trip her family, but what g-ma doesn't?
She always wants to host family functions, even if others have volunteered. Grandpa and she decided to buy a house in Hilliard, a street away from their fav son and family. The rest of us have to drive the 40 min to get to her house! We are so tired of going through this with each get together. But if we speak up, we get hassled.
This year, my sis wants C-mas at her townhouse. She was so excited to finally move out of our parents house and into a home of her own. She just wants to show it off to the side of the family who hasn't seen it yet. She also is a very loving person who wants to entertain the people she loves. It would mean a lot to her to have C-mas at her house, but grandma wants to have it at her house, of course.
It was agreed to have C-mas at my sister's house, but this morning my g-ma emailed my sis asking her why she couldn't have it. My grandma went on and on about the reasons why my sister shouldn't host it. As my sis was emailing her back to say that she still wanted to have it, the rest of the family got this email:
Hi All:
I talked to ___(my sis) this morning and she agreed with me that it was okay to have Christmas here at our home. We will have it on Monday, December 27 between 6:00 and 6:30 PM. Please bring a snack type food. I will have cookies/fudge, plus something to drink. Hope you can all come. Have a good day!
Mom and Dad
Grandma and Grandpa
This is total crap!!! My sis never agreed to this! Why is my grandma doing this? Why can't she let someone else be in charge this year? Is it silly for me to be mad?
loelsh said...
I don't think it is silly of you at all to be mad. In fact if it was me, I would refuse to go to hilliard. I would speak up and say, ya know what, it's someones else's turn to take the 40 minute drive on christmas. If you don't like it, fine, I won't be there. But that's just me. I wouldn't care if she got mad at me either. If she's going to act like a child about it then treat her like one. JMO
A Woman From Illinois said...
Sounds like Grandma and my MIL are related. Always wanting to be in charge, the Matriarch of the family. I would also be upset. How is your sister taking it? We will drive 2 hrs on Christmas to visit my side of the family this year. We use to do both sides every holiday, but that got old about 18 years ago. One year is his side, next year is my side.
And I think it would be ok to stay home that day. You can tell everyone that your sis did not agree to this, but that may cause other problems. If it were me, I would just say I had other plans that evening. Tell them you will miss them and that you love them, but your plans can not be changed.
I don't think it is silly of you at all to be mad. In fact if it was me, I would refuse to go to hilliard. I would speak up and say, ya know what, it's someones else's turn to take the 40 minute drive on christmas. If you don't like it, fine, I won't be there. But that's just me. I wouldn't care if she got mad at me either. If she's going to act like a child about it then treat her like one. JMO
Sounds like Grandma and my MIL are related. Always wanting to be in charge, the Matriarch of the family. I would also be upset. How is your sister taking it? We will drive 2 hrs on Christmas to visit my side of the family this year. We use to do both sides every holiday, but that got old about 18 years ago. One year is his side, next year is my side.
And I think it would be ok to stay home that day. You can tell everyone that your sis did not agree to this, but that may cause other problems. If it were me, I would just say I had other plans that evening. Tell them you will miss them and that you love them, but your plans can not be changed.
Friday, December 10, 2004
Roses Part 2
Okay, I am feeling much better tonight. The hubby and I had a good talk this afternoon and we are back to being civil to each other again. He now knows that roses are not a good idea if he wants to make me happy. All he needs to do is show me a few words of affirmation. I don't think that is too much to ask. Plus, it is free!
loelsh said...
I'm glad that has been resolved!
A Woman From Illinois said...
Words are so cheap, but for some so hard to say.
I'm glad that has been resolved!
Words are so cheap, but for some so hard to say.

What is it with men buying roses to make their woman happy? My hubby and I had a fight a few days ago and I still am a little upset about it. He decide yesterday to try to quick fix the ongoing argument by buying roses for me. This made me even more upset. First off, roses are expensive and all the extra money we have coming in should go to C-mas gifts and not fading flowers. Second, if he wanted to show me love, he needs to use words of affirmation and not gifts(part of the five love languages-another blog sometime).
I appreciate the thought G, really, but your plan didn't work and I am still upset.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
A Great Deal
I just had to share the great deal I found in a store this week. I had a coupon good for $5 off a purchase of $15 or more. I found a beautiful Christmas basket for $5 and a turkey pan for $10 in the clearance rack. With my coupon, the basket was free! Then I found a $10 rebate in the turkey pan box! I was so happy that my purchases were free! I just love great deals. Has anyone else out there in blogworld found any good deals this year?
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both male and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December. Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore, according to EVERY historical book depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl!
We should've known... Only a woman would be able to drag a fat-butt man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost!
Thanks Princess for this funny!
Okay, I need to start this up with a little back story. My dad is a police officer who does special duty at a bank here in Columbus. He became good friends with one of the ladies who works in the bank. He found out that she had her own business on the side and was looking for people to work for her. For some strange reason, he gave her my name and number! He thought I was looking for more work/another job to add on to the three (paying) jobs I already have. Fine, whatever dad, but he didn't even tell me that he did this. So, she calls up and I have no clue what she is talking about or who she is. I end the conversation quickly and call my dad up to give him a piece of my mind. He said that he will always be watching out for me and he thought this would be perfect for me. Like I said, whatever dad!
Well, this lady calls me back a week later and tells me a little bit about her computer business. I was intrigued, so we set up a meeting together. I thought my sis would be interested too, so I invited her to come along.
We meet for coffee at B & N where instead of explaining what she does, she talks about why a person should have their own business. After 20 minutes, she finally explains what she does, but never mentions the name of the business. I just happened to guess that she was talking about Quixtar.
A few years back, the hubby and I had a similar meeting with people in this business so that is why I knew (after the 20 min of her business ownership talk) what she was trying to sell to my sis and me. She wanted us to set up another meeting with her people for us to get even more info about this crazy company. In case you didn't know, Quixtar is a big online/catalog store who rewards you if you buy from them. You get money back by buying their expensive crap. If you get other people to do the same, you get more money. See how the pyramid works?
What I want to know is why couldn't she say that she worked for Quixtar in the first place? Why did she say that she had computer business (on the phone), but not mention the true name of her company? I even asked her what the name was and all she gave me the name of her Columbus co-op. How nice of her! If I would have known up front that it was Quixtar, I wouldn't have wasted my time meeting/talking to her.
If that's not bad enough, I went back to the same store last night and another Quixtar representative came up to me. It started off as I passed her in an isle and she smiled at me. I went to the Christian paperback section and she followed. As I was looking at the titles, she asked me to suggest a book for her to read. I made a few suggestions and then she got me talking, which is hard to do. I tend to be reserved in front of strangers. Anyway, we got to talking and she asked me what I do and for some reason I told her. Then she told me what she and her husband does for a living. She said that she was in investments and marketing and told me that she was interested in expanding her business to include yours truly. She went on to ask me if I wanted to go talk for about 20 min over coffee so she could explain this further.
What crap!!! I asked her if she worked for Quixtar and she fessed up to it. I told her my problems with the company and she finally left me alone being satisfied that I was not interested.
I felt so used! For someone to follow me in a store, then pretend to be interested in the same books as me just to strike up a conversation to sell a business is so wrong. I hate this company and I don't think I will ever go to B&N again. The store seems to be a gathering place for these people and I don't want another wacko to come up to me and try to sell me Quixtar!
Here is a great article talking about the true self of the company. Although it is long, it is a good read. If that article peaked you interest in the down side of the company, here is a website devoted to the truth about Quixtar and similar companies. Have fun reading!
A Woman From Illinois said...
We belonged to Quixtar for a year. Yes you can make money, but you have to spend money and lots of time trying to get others to sign up. If you don't succeed then your sponsers quickly stop supporting you. My opinion is that it was a waste of my time and money.
We belonged to Quixtar for a year. Yes you can make money, but you have to spend money and lots of time trying to get others to sign up. If you don't succeed then your sponsers quickly stop supporting you. My opinion is that it was a waste of my time and money.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
And They're Off
My parents and siblings are heading towards PA tonight for my great grandma's funeral. They should leave their house by 8 pm and drive for about 5 hours. I think they are getting hotel to rest then they are off to the funeral service at 11 am tomorrow. Then they are leaving right after to head back home.
Sounds like fun, right? It doesn't, but I wish I could go with them to show my support for the family. Oh well.
Busy Day
I had a busy day yesterday and it's all my fault. I have said once before on this blog that I sometimes can get into a cleaning rut. I start one thing, which leads to another, which leads to cleaning the entire house. Well, I didn't go that far yesterday, but all my bathrooms are spotless.
I started out picking up a few things left out in my bathroom. Then I noticed how dirty the countertop looked. I cleaned them and then I moved on to the mirrors. Why have a clean countertop and sink, but no clean mirrors? Anyway, the toilet was next and then the litter box. I rearranged everything in both medicine cabinets. I also ended up washing all the rugs and mopping the kitchen and bathroom floors. While I was washing the rugs, I decided to strip the bed and wash all the sheets too.
The guest bath and the kitchen were also cleaned along with all the mirrors in the house. The storm door was cleaned as well.
Later that day, I was able to look back on my work and feel a sense of great accomplishment! I love having a clean home! Life is grand blogworld!
loelsh said...
AMEN sister! I too love having a clean house. Though I don't really enjoy cleaning, once I start, I have a hard time stopping until all is done. Which is why my house is always kind of messy, I don't want to start when I don't have the time to do it all. Otherwise, if I do one room and stop, by the time I get the rest of the house clean, that first room is messed up again. So it doesn't really make sense to have one clean room if the rest of the house is unpresentable. So, I clean when I can do the whole house and I agree, it makes me feel really good to have a clean house. (Even if it only lasts for about 12 minutes!)
AMEN sister! I too love having a clean house. Though I don't really enjoy cleaning, once I start, I have a hard time stopping until all is done. Which is why my house is always kind of messy, I don't want to start when I don't have the time to do it all. Otherwise, if I do one room and stop, by the time I get the rest of the house clean, that first room is messed up again. So it doesn't really make sense to have one clean room if the rest of the house is unpresentable. So, I clean when I can do the whole house and I agree, it makes me feel really good to have a clean house. (Even if it only lasts for about 12 minutes!)
Monday, December 06, 2004
My Great Grandma
I just found out that my last great grandma died about two hours ago. I think she was 95. She has been living in a nursing home for quite some time now. She was having memory problems and she was bed ridden. I will miss her, but I know she is in a better place now since she had an intimate relationship with the Lord.
I remember visiting her in Pennsylvania when she was still living in her home. She would make my family some of her famous pierogies while talking to us in Czechoslovakian. When she was speaking to us in English, I found her accent so intriguing. I could listen to her talk for hours.

I don't think I will be able to make it to the funeral since I have the boys all week. I would have liked to have been there to support my grandma at this trying time for her. My grandma knew that her mother would pass any day, it's just dealing with the death when it comes. She is in my constant prayers and I would love for any of you reading this to also pray for her. Thank you.
Pete said...
If you want to go to the funeral, I and/or Lora could come over and watch the kids for a few hours. No big deal. You've done it for us a thousand times. Let us know. I MEAN IT!
A Woman From Illinois said...
My prayers are with you and your loved ones.
Trinity13 said...
Hey, thanks for offering to take the kids for a few hours Guru. The only problem is that it would take a few hours just to get there. Watching my kids would be an all day thing. Plus, you wouldn't be able to watch my autistic boy for me.
But, thanks for offering. That was very kind of you and your wife.
If you want to go to the funeral, I and/or Lora could come over and watch the kids for a few hours. No big deal. You've done it for us a thousand times. Let us know. I MEAN IT!
My prayers are with you and your loved ones.
Hey, thanks for offering to take the kids for a few hours Guru. The only problem is that it would take a few hours just to get there. Watching my kids would be an all day thing. Plus, you wouldn't be able to watch my autistic boy for me.
But, thanks for offering. That was very kind of you and your wife.
Happy Birthday!
Well, today is the red-heads second b-day! It's hard to believe. That means in four months, I will have been watching him for two years! Time flies when your having fun. (Sarcasm happens)
Nothing much else to say this lovely morning. I am running out of blog ideas. I need to spend sometime surfing around to find some inspiration.
Oh btw, guess what color shirt the red-head is wearing today? Orange!!! Why or why does his mother dress the boy in orange? Especially on his special day? Crazy!
Sunday, December 05, 2004
Another Funny Pic
Here is another funny pic from overworked & underf*cked. I can't stop laughing!!! I know turkey day is over, but I had to share. This is some funny shi....tuff.

Fun Trivia
As most of you know, I have Trin's Trivia located on the right side of this blog below my mood. If you click on the link, it will take you to my trivia movie quiz which is changed daily. It is part of, one of my fav websites. Not only can you take great quizzes, but you can eventually make some of your very own! Exciting stuff, huh? Anyway, I will be making up my own quiz after I have met the qualifications for a creator. I have already taken the required 100 quizzes, but I need to be a member for another 3 weeks.
I am currently working on a quiz about one of my all time fav movies, The Village. I noticed the other day that currently there is no quiz about this movie, nor Unbreakable. If you are fans of these movies, let me know some interesting trivia so that I can include it on my quizzes!
Pic below from one of my fav scenes from The Village. Anyone know why Ivy is holding out her hand?

Btw, who decided to wait till after C-mas to release The Village on dvd? Crazy!!! I want this under the tree this year! Ahhhhhh!!!
Saturday, December 04, 2004
Anyone Up For Another Questionnaire?
If I were a month, I'd be: October
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Friday
If I were a time of day, I'd be: 2pm-Nap time
If I were a direction, I'd be: Right
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: A black leather chair
If I were a sin, I'd be: Lust
If I were a flower, I'd be: A tulip
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: Stormy
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be an: Electric violin
If I were an animal, I'd be: A cat
If I were a color, I'd be: Dark Blue-almost purple
If I were a sound, I'd be: The purr of an 87 Camaro-Fav prev. owned vehicle
If I were a movie, I'd be: Notting Hill
If I were a taste, I'd be: Minty
If I were a shape, I'd be a: Teardrop
If I were a number, I'd be: 13
Pete said...
If I were a month, I'd be: July
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Friday
If I were a time of day, I'd be: 5:40 am
If I were a direction, I'd be: NNE
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: something soft and squishy, like me
If I were a sin, I'd be: either gluttony or lust
If I were a flower, I'd be: Foxglove
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: sunny
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: drums
If I were an animal, I'd be: A lion
If I were a color, I'd be: blue or black
If I were a sound, I'd be: rap music
If I were a movie, I'd be: Matrix
If I were a taste, I'd be: sweet
If I were a shape, I'd be: round (duh!)
If I were a number, I'd be: 7
A Woman From Illinois said...
If I were a month, I'd be: June
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Saturday
If I were a time of day, I'd be: 10PM
If I were a direction, I'd be: East
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: Recliner
If I were a sin, I'd be: Lust
If I were a flower, I'd be: Carnation
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: Sunny
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: Drums
If I were an animal, I'd be: A Leopard
If I were a color, I'd be: Purple
If I were a sound, I'd be: A Heart Beat
If I were a movie, I'd be: Dirty Dancing (no idea really)
If I were a taste, I'd be: Tart
If I were a shape, I'd be an: Octagon
If I were a number, I'd be: 13
G said...
If I were a month, I'd be: December (Sometimes cold, but a lot of good in it)
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Friday
If I were a time of day, I'd be: 11 pm
If I were a direction, I'd be: East
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: leather recliner
If I were a sin, I'd be: fornication
If I were a flower, I'd be: Helianthus annuus (Big and Ugly)
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: overcast & drizzling
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: saxaphone
If I were an animal, I'd be: A bear
If I were a color, I'd be: blue
If I were a sound, I'd be: a orchestra tuning up (unpleasant but necessary)
If I were a movie, I'd be: Forrest Gump
If I were a taste, I'd be: bittersweet
If I were a shape, I'd be: polygon
If I were a number, I'd be: 14
Trinity13 said...
G, sunflowers are big, yes, but not ugly.
Pete said...
So, are you saying that G is big but not ugly, or that he needs to pick another flower to represent him because he IS big AND ugly and that flower is not?
Trinity13 said...
All I am saying that sunflowers are big, but not ugly.
If I were a month, I'd be: July
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Friday
If I were a time of day, I'd be: 5:40 am
If I were a direction, I'd be: NNE
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: something soft and squishy, like me
If I were a sin, I'd be: either gluttony or lust
If I were a flower, I'd be: Foxglove
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: sunny
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: drums
If I were an animal, I'd be: A lion
If I were a color, I'd be: blue or black
If I were a sound, I'd be: rap music
If I were a movie, I'd be: Matrix
If I were a taste, I'd be: sweet
If I were a shape, I'd be: round (duh!)
If I were a number, I'd be: 7
If I were a month, I'd be: June
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Saturday
If I were a time of day, I'd be: 10PM
If I were a direction, I'd be: East
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: Recliner
If I were a sin, I'd be: Lust
If I were a flower, I'd be: Carnation
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: Sunny
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: Drums
If I were an animal, I'd be: A Leopard
If I were a color, I'd be: Purple
If I were a sound, I'd be: A Heart Beat
If I were a movie, I'd be: Dirty Dancing (no idea really)
If I were a taste, I'd be: Tart
If I were a shape, I'd be an: Octagon
If I were a number, I'd be: 13
If I were a month, I'd be: December (Sometimes cold, but a lot of good in it)
If I were a day of the week, I'd be: Friday
If I were a time of day, I'd be: 11 pm
If I were a direction, I'd be: East
If I were a piece of furniture, I'd be: leather recliner
If I were a sin, I'd be: fornication
If I were a flower, I'd be: Helianthus annuus (Big and Ugly)
If I were a kind of weather, I'd be: overcast & drizzling
If I were a musical instrument, I'd be: saxaphone
If I were an animal, I'd be: A bear
If I were a color, I'd be: blue
If I were a sound, I'd be: a orchestra tuning up (unpleasant but necessary)
If I were a movie, I'd be: Forrest Gump
If I were a taste, I'd be: bittersweet
If I were a shape, I'd be: polygon
If I were a number, I'd be: 14
G, sunflowers are big, yes, but not ugly.
So, are you saying that G is big but not ugly, or that he needs to pick another flower to represent him because he IS big AND ugly and that flower is not?
All I am saying that sunflowers are big, but not ugly.
The Stepford Wives
Joanna Eberhart(Nicole Kidman), a wildly successful president of a TV Network, after a series of shocking events suffers a nervous breakdown and is moved by her milquetoast of a husband, Walter(Matthew Broderick), from Manhattan to the chic, upper-class and very modern planned community of Stepford, Connecticut. Once there, she makes good friends with the acerbic Bobbie Markowitz(Bette Midler), a jewish writer who's also a recovering alcoholic. Together they find out, much to their growing stupor and-then horror, that all the housewives in town are strangely blissful, and somehow... doomed. What is going on behind the closed doors of the Stepford Men's Association and the Stepford Day Spa? Why is everything perfect here? Will it be too late for Joanna and Bobbie when they finally find out?
Last night Drifter and his wife came over to watch Stepford Wives with me and the hubby. We all thought it was pretty good, but were annoyed at all the product placement. There most have been at least a dozen different products shown throughout the movie.

Matthew Broderick was in this movie, but I was so disappointed with him. What's happened to him? He was wonderful in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. I guess he just hasn't been the same since marrying Sarah Jessica Parker.

Friday, December 03, 2004
Alligator Shoes
Sorry Lo, but here is a blonde joke I just had to post.
A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana. She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes in the worst way, but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking.
After becoming very frustrated with the "no haggle" attitude of one of the shopkeepers, the blonde shouted, "Maybe I'll just go out and catch my own alligator so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price!"
The shopkeeper said, "By all means, be my guest. Maybe you'll luck out and catch yourself a big one!"Determined, the blonde turned and headed for the swamps, set on catching herself an alligator.
Later in the day, the shopkeeper is driving home, when he spots the young woman standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand. Just then, he sees a huge 9 foot alligator swimming quickly toward her. She takes aim, kills the creature and with a great deal of effort hauls it on to the swamp bank. Laying nearby were several more of the dead creatures.
The shopkeeper watches in amazement. Just then the blonde flips the alligator on it's back, and frustrated, shouts, "Damn, this one isn't wearing any shoes either!"
Thanks Princess for the funny!
loelsh said...
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
This is my new fav song on RadioU. I love the lyrics and the tune! It's kind of what I am feeling right now.
Mirror, Mirror on the wall; Have I got it?
'Cause Mirror you've always told me who I am
I’m finding It’s not easy to be perfect
So sorry, you won’t define me
Sorry, you don’t own me
Chorus: Who are you to tell me
that I’m less than what I should be?
Who are you? Who are you?
I don’t need to listen
to the list of things I should do
I won’t try; I won’t try
You don’t define me; You don’t define me
Mirror I am seeing a new reflection
I’m looking into the eyes of He who made me
To Him I have beauty beyond compare
I know He defines me
Who are you to tell me
that I’m less than what I should be?
Who are you? Who are you?
I don’t need to listen
to the list of things I should do
I won’t try; I won’t try
You don’t define me; You don’t define me

G said...
To preview this entire cd, click here.
Make sure to enable popups.
loelsh said...
Wow, great song. I'd never heard them before, but now I want the cd.
loelsh said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Trinity13 said...
I also love the song Never Alone. Whenever I hear it on the radio, I have to crank up the sound.
I waited for you today
But you didn't show
No no.
I needed you today
So where did you go?
You told me to call
Said you'd be there
And though I haven't seen you
Are you still there?
I cried out with no reply
And I can't feel you by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone
And though I cannot see you
And I can't explain why
Such a deep reassurance
You've placed in my life.
We cannot separate
'Cause you're part of me.
And though you're invisible
I'll trust the unseen.
To preview this entire cd, click here.
Make sure to enable popups.
Wow, great song. I'd never heard them before, but now I want the cd.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
I also love the song Never Alone. Whenever I hear it on the radio, I have to crank up the sound.
I waited for you today
But you didn't show
No no.
I needed you today
So where did you go?
You told me to call
Said you'd be there
And though I haven't seen you
Are you still there?
I cried out with no reply
And I can't feel you by my side
So I'll hold tight to what I know
You're here and I'm never alone
And though I cannot see you
And I can't explain why
Such a deep reassurance
You've placed in my life.
We cannot separate
'Cause you're part of me.
And though you're invisible
I'll trust the unseen.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Funny Pics
Old Julia

Fat me, I mean Jen Love

All the rage in Japan-printed skirts made to look see through


G said...
I know what you're getting for Christmas now!
I know what you're getting for Christmas now!
A Scare
The red-head gave me a big scare yesterday. He found a little toy and decided to put it in his mouth. He hasn't put toys in his mouth since he was teething. As I was walking toward him to take it out of his mouth, he accidentally swallows it! He is sitting on the floor and choking to death! He is not breathing, but he is gagging on the toy. I bend him over and start smacking him on the back as I am yelling for my hubby. After what seems like hours, the red-head finally coughs the toy up along with his lunch. I was so relieved! I haven't been that scared in a long time.
Then, I had to give the boy a bath, which he hates. His entire body goes red to match his hair as he is fussing about being wet. He was more upset about the 30 sec bath then he was about not being able to breath. What a kid, gotta love him!
loelsh said...
Wow! That is scary! I'm glad he's o.k.
A Woman From Illinois said...
Both ends of that spectrum are scary. Seeing someone choking and choking. I almost choked to death about 4 years ago. I was on the computer and in the buff eating a bagel. I got choked so bad that to this day I do not eat in the buff. I would hate for someone to find me dead and nude. LOL
Wow! That is scary! I'm glad he's o.k.
Both ends of that spectrum are scary. Seeing someone choking and choking. I almost choked to death about 4 years ago. I was on the computer and in the buff eating a bagel. I got choked so bad that to this day I do not eat in the buff. I would hate for someone to find me dead and nude. LOL
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Leftover Turkey
Here is the problem I faced a few days ago. What should I do with my leftover turkey from Thanksgiving? To solve my problem, I went looking online. I found some great ideas and decided to make something using a few new found tips and a few of my own personal ideas. What I came up with was my own version of turkey noodle soup. Ahhh, it was soooo very good. I cooked some noodles in leftover broth and a packet of onion soup mix. Then I added a can of carrots, juice and all. Next came the turkey which I tore into bit size pieces. It turned out better than I expected. It was the perfect food to help ease my hubby's cold the the cold from outside.
I also got not just one, but many compliments from my father in law! This man has a hard time saying thank you, but last night he was very gracious. He doesn't come over for dinner very often, but he might come over more because he loved the soup so much. He also took some home with him (another first).
Later, my son and I had some great dessert. I made pumpkin bread, heated it up, put ice cream on it and sprinkled cinnamon and sugar all over it. It was soooo good, if I do say so myself!
Tonight I don't have to worry about cooking anything since the hubby and I are going to Speg Warehouse for their Wednesday night special. Yum!
Life is grand people!
G said...
MMMMMM....Bisketti skabetti pasketti
MMMMMM....Bisketti skabetti pasketti

I don't know how many of you watch Jeopardy. If you watched it last night you would have seen Ken Jennings actually lose a game after playing 75 times! He racked up $2,522,700!!!
Here are some more stats on this incredible player:
Correct Answers: 2,642
Total Net Gain on Daily Doubles: $421,199
Pct. of Games Locked Up after Double J!: .867 (65 of 75)
High Game: $75,000 (July 23)
Low Game: $8,799 (Nov. 9)
Avg. Daily Winnings: $34,064 (through last win Nov. 29)
Number of days from Jennings' first appearance (June 2) to his last (Nov. 30) :181
Nov. 4: Day Jennings broke television's all-time winnings record, $2,247,000 (topping the combined $2,205,900 Dr. Olmstead won on Millionaire and on Jeopardy!, May 25-27, 1994).
Nov. 30: Day of Ken Jennings' defeat, $14,401-$8,799, to Nancy Zerg, of Ventura, Cal.
Pete said...
I was most surprised that he lost to a GIRL! (Just kidding)
I heard on WNCI on Monday that he was going to lose on Tuesday. They even played the audio of him losing.
The funny thing was that I knew the answer to the question and Mr. Jennings did not. Since the show isn't live, I couldn't let him know telepathically what the answer was. No matter.
I should try to get on Jeopardy! I need a few mil.
My luck I would have a horrible day and not even get to compete for Final Jeopardy because I would be negative after Double Jeopardy.
Oh, well. I will just continue to play from the comfort of my own home.
I was most surprised that he lost to a GIRL! (Just kidding)
I heard on WNCI on Monday that he was going to lose on Tuesday. They even played the audio of him losing.
The funny thing was that I knew the answer to the question and Mr. Jennings did not. Since the show isn't live, I couldn't let him know telepathically what the answer was. No matter.
I should try to get on Jeopardy! I need a few mil.
My luck I would have a horrible day and not even get to compete for Final Jeopardy because I would be negative after Double Jeopardy.
Oh, well. I will just continue to play from the comfort of my own home.
Pete said...
Thanks for coming! All in all, I think that it went very well.
January 01, 2005 3:00 AM
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